Thursday, September 13, 2018

What happened to my Amazon Prime?

I need Duvet Covers for the beds.  It's much easier to dry clean the comforters, and just change their outsides between seasons.  Cheaper too.  Anyway, I digress.  As I was shopping for Duvet covers from some of my favorite sources this morning, (Wayfair, Target and I noticed all the shipping/delivery dates were off...after all, 2 Day Delivery means JUST that in my mind!  Then I realized, they can't guarantee delivery on the East Coast or other places in 2 Days, because of Hurricane Florence!

Its September 13th, and normally my 2 Day Prime would have my items here by Saturday the 15th, they would even deliver on Sunday!  But with the storm, the best they can guarantee delivery on Prime is Wednesday, September 19th, or Thursday, September 20th.  That is six to seven days from now, and I think I would have to be flexible with that delivery date.

Early video and news reports aren't very good, its 100 miles away and the swells are downright growing.  This video from Myrtle Beach was posted on YouTube, and it will be updated over time.  The title '100 year Storm' has been added to many hurricanes over the past few years, that have been disastrous.

I wonder who will coin the phrase 'What used to be 100 year Storms are now commonplace each year'.  Warm oceans mean more monster storms and our oceans are very warm, with no cooling mechanism in place.  At this same time, there are tropical Storms in the Gulf of Mexico headed towards Texas, Tropical storms off of the Mexico/California Coast and monster Typhoons in the Pacific Ocean wreaking havoc in Asia.

During weather cycles like this, shipping is impacted.  Travel overland by our Trucking system is impacted, flights that are used for shipping are impacted and that impacts things such as mail and food delivery.  It is why store shelves are cleaned out by people who decide to Shelter in Place and those who decide to evacuate.

Given hours or mere days to evacuate, if you have followed our plan, you will be ready!  Your Ready Packs, Backpacks, and bins that hold family heirlooms and important papers can easily be loaded into your trunk.  You'll have the important things taken care of, in case you have to go back and turn your new house into a home.  Many people may lose their homes, but save their lives by following the call to evacuate.  If you have been told to evacuate, just go.  You can replace everything but a life.  Our prayers are with all of those impacted by Hurricane Florence and other storms during this week.

On that note, I am off to do some Duvet shopping the old-fashioned way, on driving from store to store until I find what I need. Amazon Prime is great, when there's no storm on the horizon, unlike today.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What if, something as innocuous as a jet arriving with people exhibiting symptoms of influenza, was something else?

Fox 5 News broke a story this morning of an Emirates flight arriving with passengers onboard, including crew members, exhibiting symptoms that resembled influenza.

 I couldn't help but notice, the people who directed the passengers did not have on hazmat clothing, neither the Emergency personnel nor the Airport help.  They went back to work, in the airport terminal, where people were checking in, getting on flights to take national and international flights.  They are going to walk through the terminals, filled with even more people, and then they are going to get on a shuttle bus, interacting with even more employees, going home.  They are going to get off of work tonight and go home.  In New York, that usually means using mass transit.  So, if its something truly contagious and deadly, New York is now ground zero, and everywhere anyone flies after interacting with them is a new Ground Zero.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  The first Month of Disaster Prepping calls for you to have an N95 Filter Mask in your Backpack.  After this morning's wake up call, you may want to have one in your Ready Pack also.

I have the following Masks for my family.  It is an Anti Pollution Mask with Exhaust Valve + 6 FILTERS - Military Grade N95 N99 Carbon Activated.  You can buy one on Amazon.

There are many to choose from, some say they will guard against the flu, but don’t trust that disclaimer.  Masks at Urgent Care centers will help for a little while, but are not long term solutions.  I have included information for several types. For plague type situations, you need a full mask (think gas mask) with an acid gas filter (plus an N100 pre-filter if you want to get technical about it), which you should not use without proper training and supervision.  Ask a Medical Professional for the best one to use.  You can find some examples at the following links:
For Little Kids:
For Little Girls:
For Lower Budget:

All products are suggestions ONLY.  Branch out and purchase other products than those advocated here.  We are not offered any incentive for these choices, we searched for the lowest cost, best-reviewed products we could find.

Be safe out there!

Welcome to our Inaugural Post!

Welcome to the Inaugural Post for Disaster Prepping for Procrastinators!  I want to commend you for taking a step in the right direction to learn how to not only prepare your family for Disaster but to also organize your home during the process.

My posts won't help you to prepare by using fear as a motivator.  Yes, we live in a tumultuous world, but fear saps your strength, muddles your decision making and doesn't help those who are depending on you for safety.  We will approach this venture with boldness, patience and the understanding that as Procrastinators we have to step up when people depend on us to provide for them and keep them safe.

As you read through the book, make sure you keep your Shopping List book handy.  Remember not to overbuy items just because they are on sale.  Concentrate on getting the items for your Ready Packs and Backpacks so you will be ready to evacuate at a moment's notice.

You can check our Social Media for hints and tips, I would encourage you to check my Pinterest Board for items I have pinned that have caught my eye.  Once you do your initial Prepping, you can use the boards for information to help you branch out into further areas of preparation.

We just provide the basic steps so that you can make the right decisions for yourself and your family, having learned you can prepare without having to wear Camo, arm yourself to the teeth and start digging that moat, like, YESTERDAY.  Let's dial that WAY back, and do what we can, working with what we have to work with.
As you work through the book, try to figure out why you put off doing the things that have to do with Prepping and Cleaning, then toss that behind you and set out to get it done!  What may have been true yesterday, doesn't have to be your truth today.  Follow the techniques after you find out why you procrastinate, and one square at a time, make a change!

If you follow the Monthly tasks and Flash Fixes, at the end of the year you should be golden.  Many books want you ready in a couple of months, but you didn't get where you were in a month, and you won't get out of it in a couple of months.  You need a good month to completely clean each space so you don't get overwhelmed and quit.  I have done the SAME thing, and I will be taking this journey with you, posting my nightmares and my triumphs.  I too have struggled with trying to prepare with those long lists and simplistic recommendations that just didn't work with the way that I think.  I have had too many days I could not invite someone over because the house was just a wreck.  Well, time is passing and your life means more than staying in that state of disarray due to procrastination.

I can do this, YOU can do this, and we are going to work on it together to get things done.  If you're a Mom or Dad, Single or Married, young or old, you can use our steps to prepare yourself and get your house in order. This is what I am working towards, and I KNOW I can do it!  I know you can too.  I look at all of those Houzz, HGTV and DIY shows, and I am DETERMINED to get this together!  I want to order something from Wayfair and have a place to put it that makes sense.

I want to clean out my closets and drawers, THIS is the year I let those size 6 Jeans go for GOOD, there's somebody out there who can wear them a lot better than my sausage legs can!  This is the year to make a change, getting all of my Disaster supplies in order, in one spot and getting my house in order at the same time.  I know I can clean a room if I have a month to do it, and so can you!

Do what you can with what you have.  Remember, in an Emergency, you want options.  Put in the work up front, to give yourself options.  It's much easier to buy a 24 pack of water now at $3.00 than to be forced to buy it at $15.00 with a 2 pack limit in a disaster.  Take care of buying your necessities while prices are low and supply is plentiful.

You may have to cut back on Fast Food, Entertainment or Starbucks for a few months, but its worth it.  You can purchase canned goods and water with SNAP-Food Stamps benefits, its well worth the cost now, for the security you will give your family in an emergency.  Explain what you are doing to your family, and get them onboard.  After all, you are planning for your safety, and for a comfortable and clean living environment.  If you can't get them to pitch in on the prepping, you can get them to pitch in on the cleaning.

Many of the things you need for your basic Ready Pack and Backpack, you can get at the Dollar Store.  Just check expiration dates, and get travel sizes in case you have to evacuate by air.

Our books are available in Print on at the following links:

  Link for the Paperback Book.

This is the link for the Paperback Forms Book.  The Forms Book and Shopping List Book are only available in Paperback. 

The Disaster Prepping for Procrastinators book, (not the Lists or Forms Books) is also available as an EBook at the following link also.

I hope you enjoy this Blog and please feel free to post pictures and comments to show how you are coming along.  If you fall behind, let me know so I can encourage you to keep on going!  Please encourage each other to keep at it also, this is a Marathon, not a Sprint.  All my best,
be encouraged,

I got discouraged, it happens

 I admit it, I got discouraged. With a couple of years of setbacks and unending pain in my back and hips, I got discouraged. I couldn't ...